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Week 4 - 180km Journey
"It feels like yesterday that I left quarantine and laced up my shoes preparing to run my first kilometer, apprehensive of the new wave...
Week 3 - 180km Journey
Week 3 has come around faster than I thought it would, and all my initial reservations have slipped away. Would 180km be possible? Will...
Week 2 - 180km Journey
It's been 2 weeks of 180km journey and Joe has 120km of run under his belt, here's what he has to share about it: After week 1 was...
Week 1 - 180km Journey
It's been 1 week since Joe set out on an impressive journey and here's what he has to share about it: Inspired by other members of the...
Running 180km in support of Sala Baï students!
Joseph Ryan set himself a challenge in support of Sala Baï students and run over 180km in March! He has a few words to share with you and...
$52,680 US
While we celebrate Sam's completion of his journey, there is much work to be done with fundraising. We are still short of our $185,000 goal.
$42,615 US
We need your help to support Sala Bai graduates and their families with food and basic necessities.
Happy New Year!
She'll be serving up aces in orange this new year in Solidarity for Sala Bai. What will you do? Post it on your social feeds:...
Ready for New Year's Eve!
She's decked out in her orange best to celebrate the New Year in Solidarity for Sala Bai. What will you do? Post it on your social feeds:...
$40,124 US
Goal: $185,000US We need your help to reach the goal of supporting Sala Bai graduates and their families with food and basic necessities...
Running in Solidarity with Sala Bai
Just a small gesture of support is all it takes this holiday season.
$33,279 US
11 days in and we are less than halfway there. Please donate and support these Cambodian families in need.
Step-up for Sala Bai!
She's taking one small step-up in Solidarity for Sala Bai. What will you do? Post it on your social feeds: #solidarityforsalabai...
Biking Across Singapore in Solidarity for Sala Bai
She'll be wearing orange when she pedals across her tropical island. What will you do? Post it on your social feeds:...
Running in France
These two friends show their orange by running in the chilling winter temperatures in Paris.
Showing the Orange in Michigan: Solidarity for Sala Bai!
Showing the Orange in Michigan!
Skiing for Sala Bai
It took this family a few takes to make the video...but they never gave up, just like our graduates...Solidarity for Sala Bai all the way...
Laughing in Solidarity
People all over the world are showing their Solidarity for Sala Bai.
$25,792 US
Every bit helps. Please ask your family & friends to give to Sala Bai and show solidarity for the young graduates & their families in need.
Pedaling in Portugal
Pedaling & Swimming in Portugal.
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