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Day 14

Solidarity for Sala Bai: Running for the Families

Each day Sam runs in honour of a particular cohort at the school or group of supporters. Today was special as he ran to honour the families of the Sala Bai students.

The families support their daughters and sons as they leave home and embark on a long journey into the unknown. Often these young adults have never left their villages. They have never lived away from home. They've never learned in a formal school setting like Sala Bai. All of the experiences starting with the travel to the school are new, unfamiliar, sometimes daunting, and sometimes a bit scary. But, the families let their children go knowing that this is the key to better life for all of them.

No matter how exhausted Sam is feeling, he keeps going because as difficult as his journey is, it's minor compared to the physical and emotional journey of the Sala Bai students and their families.

Sam's Distance to Date

Run 227.3km + Bike 927.8km

TOTAL: 1,155.1km

GOAL: 1850km 62% of the journey is complete.

Please encourage Sam on his Journey by supporting him and Sala Bai.

Geography Lesson!

Today we thought we'd take a look at a different part of the world...if Sam started in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and headed north he would cross through Cambodia and Thailand and end up just at the border of Laos in the capitol city of Vientiane. Laos, a former French colony, like Cambodia, maintains beautiful French Colonial architecture in Vientiane and the heritage of French cooking mixed with southeast asian flavours.

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