Goal: $185,000US
When Sam McGoun started this fundraising challenging 19 days ago, he challenged not only himself physically to journey 1850km by bike and on foot, but challenged Sala Bai supporters to show solidarity with donations and their own challenges.
While we celebrate Sam's completion of his epic journey, there is much work to be done with fundraising support. We are still well short of our $185,000US goal.
Please consider making a donation to help Sala Bai graduates and their families bridge their time of unemployment due to COVID-19.
Sala Bai graduates and their families lack food and basic necessities. This isn't because they aren't trying to support themselves. The jobs just aren't available. We all hope this is a temporary situation and that the Cambodian hospitality industry will be robust again soon. However, in the meantime these families are in dire need.
Please donate today. Every bit helps. Show your solidarity for Sala Bai.
After you've donated, what's next?
Spread the word by Showing Your Orange. Wear orange and tell everyone you've got Solidarity for Sala Bai! Ask them to join you.
Post your photos on your social feeds: #solidarityforsalabai #showyourorange #salabaischool #touchsalabai #TSB1850
Send it to us at info@touchsalabai.com so we can feature it on our website.